Joan Dyer Joan Dyer

Tiffany Hinton

Greater California Livery Association is poised and ready for 2022 with their exciting and innovative "We Move California" campaign. The pandemic has taught us we are STRONGER together and our state association is taking the lead to unite us. It's a new day for our industry and a new day for the GCLA!!!!

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Joan Dyer Joan Dyer

Aaron Lesavoy, COO, Code 3 Transportation, Concord, CA

I have been a part of the GCLA for 6 years now. In fact, joining the GCLA was one of the first things we did as a company. The GCLA has been a big contributor to our success and development for Code 3. Some of the reasons – Exposure: Getting your name out there; Guidance: Access to seasoned professionals who gladly lend advice to fellow members; Perks: Whether it be a fuel program, tire program, fleet discount, or guidance and representation on current legislation and grants, the money spent on membership is returned 10 times over.

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